
The worst investment of our time? To NOT pause.

By September 16, 2024No Comments

In tense times most of us believe: I don’t have time for a break. That’s literally the worst investment of our time, to NOT pause!

These 3 habits prove how breaks create a win-win-win situation for you.

💡 Daily Habit 💡

My work as a coach, trainer and consultant asks for loads of positiveenergy and focus. In order to recharge my most important asset – my mind, heart and intuition – I am practicing meditation and Yoga on a daily basis. I end my work days with Yoga, recharging before I enjoy time with loved ones. It’s unbelievable how aligned I feel thereafter!

What’s your daily me-time to #recharge? Start tiny.

💡 Weekly Habit 💡
Deepwork describes best what I do every day. In order to create the impact I stand for, I launched my “Deep Work Fridays” about 3 years ago. No one is able to book a meeting with me! 100% of my time is focused on going deep on what truly matters – to close my week and prepare for the upcoming one. I enjoy e.g. designing new programs, unpacking the latest behavior science or regrouping my current work to also learn from it. My Fridays have a build-in win-win, as they are key to spending my weekends in #peace.

What’s your habit to let go on weekends? Create ease.

💡 Yearly Habits 💡
Being self-employed brings one big benefit: Extended summer breaks! My sweet spot lies between 4-6 weeks. I plan them intentionally, hence clients are well serviced before and after, which gives me the peace of mind I deserve. The first 3-5 days I usually stay at home to slow down, organize private matters and sleep more. Then we take off into the Austrian mountains for ideally 3 weeks, connecting to ourselves in nature. The last 3 days before being back at work are spent back home again, securing a soft landing, getting organized while still playing tourists in our town.

How could you redesign your longer breaks? Get curious.

Every break – no matter how short – leaves me with a positive win: An insight, a reminder, a better state of being.

It’s time to invest into your breaks.

Share with me what your positive impact of more breaks could be,