This was my most fun speaking in a while! Niki Löwenstein from the Carpe Diem podcast asked me “How habits can help us live a good life?”.
Cat Fritz was all ears!
Being a minimalist, I very much select what I consume. Sneaking into the Carpe Diem magazine (published by Red Bull) and its podcast turned into a dear habit. As Niki Löwenstein and Holger Potye are not only truly curious journalists but fun podcast-hosts too, you can expect rich learnings from each podcast episode.
Listen to this episode on habits!
It can help you reflect mid-summer on “What’s truly important in 2024” and which habits you need to put ideas into action.
Questions you will find an answer to are:
Is having good intentions a bad idea?
How can I start a new habit with ease?
Why is it that damn difficult to keep up with new habits?
How often do I have to repeat a habit to make it stick?
Tricks on how to manage set-backs?
What are new trends related to habit formation?
What makes „a good life“?
What’s one learning you take away?
Ship me a message to hi@evagruber.org.