Wolfgang Krapesch invited me on his (German speaking) podcast which is unpacking Employer Branding. Why?
Too many decision makers in SMEs – from a CEO to the team-lead – lack good habits to recruit and manage teams. At the same time, too many employees lack good habits to voice their needs in a new or growing team. Hence, we explored
How Habits Support Decision Makers & Teams To Stay Clear-Headed, Focused & Empathetic?
#sage #growth
This and much more awaits you in our rich, fun show:
What actually defines a habit?
Why will your awareness about habits turn into a game-changer?
How can this awareness lead to e.g. new creative recruiting behaviors whilst leading your team with empathy?
Why should you get curious about your team’s habits too?
What different kinds of habits count?
Which (bad) habits are you unaware of as a decision-maker that tend to start a work-crisis?
Which (good) habits would you – as a leader and decision-maker – need to train daily to face a crisis clear-headed, laser-focused, and with empathy?
What is mental self-sabotage, and why does each and everyone of us face it?
How do your mental saboteurs hinder your leadership?
Why is it not about goals to lastingly change your habits?
> Click here to listen to our (German speaking) show! <
Tell me about your needs as a decision maker. What’s difficult when it comes to leadership, peak-performance or wellbeing in these days?
Which negative beliefs or habits would you like to stop?
Email me to hi@evagruber.org.