It was a sunny morning in Vienna, as Wendy Capewell invited me to sit down and record a show for her podcast Love~Listen~Talk~Repeat!
Our focus topic was everyone’s Mental Self-Sabotage, and the common challenge of so many of us…
Why do I judge myself but please others?
Wendy Capewell is a Relationship and Trauma Specialist, I’m a Habit Coach and Mental Fitness Expert. This awaits you in our very honest and fun show:
- What is Mental Self-Sabotage?
- How do your 10 so-called Mental Saboteurs show day-by-day?
- How do they justify their existence, even though they hinder you?
- Who is your Master-Saboteur?
- Why is connecting to your body crucial?
- How can the discovery of your Mental Saboteurs lift you? For example, …
- Discovering the Judge in you could finally lift your career!
- Discovering the Hyper-Achiever in you could finally help you to feel happy!
- Discovering the Pleaser in you could finally help you to take care of yourself first, finding rest and clarity!
- Discovering the Avoider or Victim in you could finally help you stop playing the game of shame and self-pity!
- How do your parent’s Mental Saboteurs impact yours?
- How can you “peel off” your 10 Mental Saboteurs, and leverage yourself with your 5 Sage Powers?
- How to step into your own clarity and wisdom?
> Click here to listen to our show! <
Tell me about your Judge and Pleaser!
Which negative mind-chatter would you like to stop?
Email me to hi[at]evagruber[dot]org.
I am here for you!