
“My mental training is equally important as my physical.” Novak Djokovic

By July 21, 2021October 5th, 2021No Comments
Novak Djokovic

“It is all up to you.
If you aren’t able to crawl yourself out of it, then the match is gone!
My mental training is equally important as my physical.”

Novak Djokovic

Bravo, Novak Djokovic! I truly agree!

Novak Djokovic recently achieved another beautiful milestone in his tennis career.

Listen to his interview, and learn about his mental fitness, stating how he couldn’t be centered, successful, and happy without it.

He is honestly addressing his mind chatter. Something all (!) of us are experiencing when being e.g. stressed, in pain, doubtful, or impatient. He proves to you how shifting your mind helps you change your behavior, and “win the game”.

Throughout the interview he appears present, calm, centered, and clear minded.

To behave like this, you can train your mind and create supportive habits with dedication and consistency.

I unfortunately stopped my tennis career at the age of 19. 😉

The more grateful I am that I became a Habit Coach and Mental Fitness Advocate, supporting all open-minded people feeling ready to shift their mindset and habits to the better.

> If it is about time for you, reach out to me. <

Email me to hi [at]