“There are days which are packed but so monotonous, especially in home office. Still, I am not rested! I rather feel emotional, and not seen!”
a client shared.
Let’s discover your needed rest!
My client felt stuck and many negative emotions – like anger, restlessness, and shame – because s/he was overloaded and exhausted.
We all know that my client is not alone! So many of us feel stuck and emotional because too many days are exhausting.
But what if more sleep doesn’t do the trick?
An alternative to sleep is rest! If you rest more frequently, you recover faster.
✋ Rest physically, in an active or passive way.
✋ Rest mentally, needed the most as your mind is always ON.
✋ Rest your sensors, due to over-stimulation of your physical surroundings.
✋ Rest creatively, especially in times of creation to awaken your curiosity.
✋ Rest emotionally, reconnecting with yourself, putting yourself first.
✋ Rest socially, slowing down on interacting with everyone.
✋ Rest spiritually, a needed ritual to connect your mind and body.
Which type of rest do you lack?
> Share with me! I am here for you to create your habits and routines to rest. < Email me to hi [at] evagruber.org.
Inspired by the article from Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith.