“If you are not designing your life, you are just managing your circumstances.”
Is that true?
Thanks to my stunning and fun coaching-mentor – Bill Carmody, PCC from Positive Intelligence – for making these words stuck with me. Why?
~ Yes, there is a magic in designing our life.
~ Yes, there is a risk of getting off track when you do not have a roadmap. Then circumstances can take over your steering wheel like big waves in the ocean.
~ Still, as a Habit Coach I support my clients in creating aspirations and skills rather than goals and a roadmap!
Aspirations, for example, give you the bigger picture and the “why” for starting a new path. This enables you to imagine a big swarm of behaviors you could do to achieve this aspiration. By choosing the best behavior options, you leverage your true potential and create new routines and supportive habits.
That’s what keeps you clear-minded and motivated in the driver’s seat!
~ Still, as a Positive Intelligence Coach I want my clients to step into their so-called Sage Powers, like showing more empathy, exploring or innovating new solutions, navigating through more challenging situations with a wise perspective, and getting active when bumps in our way appear.
This trains new mental skills and especially 3 brain muscles, setting my clients up to manage all kinds of negative situations. They are not going down the same “mental motorway” as they used to, like getting angry, fearful or insecure. Instead, they respond more positive to any challenge. Hence, a conflict with their team or spouse makes them feel less stressed, doubtful, or avoiding.
What do you need to not only manage your circumstances?
Do you wish to disguise your mental saboteurs that are at play?
> Reach out to make your Saboteur Assessment, and find out! <