Money makes our world go round – in on way or the other!
Are you aware of your money behavior?
The Austrian Chamber of Commerce invited me to run a webinar on this topic. Why? Many entrepreneurs interestingly avoid the topic of personal (!) money management due to e.g. overwhelm as a founder or entrepreneur. Hence, don’t miss out on this webinar!
Learn to answer questions like:
- Why is my personal money behavior important?
- What influences the way I use money?
- How can I change the way I manage money through habits in the long term?
And as always with me, there is way more to discover, like:
- Become aware of the behaviors and emotions you have when you deal with money.
- Discover where certain money behavior of yours is coming from.
- Set your personal aspiration and goals.
- Get started with tiny habits.
Click here to watch the webinar (in German only).
What bad money habit do you like to stop?
Which good one do you with to start?
As a Habit Coach, I am here for you.
Email me to hi[at]evagruber[dot]org.