
Why tidying is a game-changer for wellbeing and success

By February 10, 2020October 2nd, 2021No Comments

“When we create space, it’s time to carefully pick what surrounds us.”

Creating your physical space is a true leverage for energy and joy at home and work. The magic of contemporary tidying methods enables you to reset your relationships with belongings, people, and time.

  • Creating your space reduces unknown daily distractions, hence stress and worries.
  • It creates the physical space, time, and energy you build on to make things happen.
  • It provides the head space, clarity, and focus you need e.g. to make good decisions.
  • You let go of feelings of scarcity, empower yourself even more and live up to true aspirations.
  • You can regain wellbeing and live joy every day.

Research shows the strong influence of space, time, and energy on crucial personal skills – like motivation, focus, creativity, productivity, and happiness.

Studies highlight the impact of tidying on our brain, health, happiness, work, and business success.

  • A messy environment taxes our brain. When surrounded by clutter, our brains are so busy registering all the things. Hence, we cannot focus on what we should be doing at present, e.g. tackling the work on our desk. We feel distracted, stressed, and anxious. Our decision-making ability is impaired.
  • 90% of 1,000 working American adults felt that clutter had a negative impact on their lives. Top reasons are lowered productivity, a negative mindset, reduced motivation, and diminished happiness.
  • A tidy workspace is important as 71% of people feel they have achieved something. 68% feel in control, and 54% confident. A chaotic workspace makes 77% feel less productive.
  • Clutter also affects our health. Being surrounded by too many things increases cortisol levels, a primary stress hormone. Chronically high levels of cortisol can make us more susceptible to depression, insomnia, other mental disorders, and stress-related physical disorders as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.
  • 44% admit they choose unhealthy food when their surroundings are a mess.
  • Clutter is bad for business as well. Almost half of office workers report mislaying one important work-related item a year. But greatest loss is the time spent looking for lost items. The search for lost things adds up to an average of one workweek per year per employee.

The phrase “Make yourself at home!” seems innocuous – but there is a significant psychological element to it that few may consider. The concept implies that a conscious effort must be employed in the endeavor. For some it’s as easy as good people in a good location. But according to a recent study, the most common method of “making oneself at home” is by identifying with the objects that are kept in the home – and that kind of attachment can have significant consequences if left unchecked. This approach is also key within my work as a Habit Coach.

Whether you are in physical chaos, relocation, or growth of your home or office, I guide you as a Habit Coach.

I invite you to gain space,
head space,
and true joy.

Take a starter step.

If you are ready, reach out to me!
Here are your opportunities to take a starter-step!
Right away.

Master your many hats with ease.
Let talents and focus become best buddies.
Live healthier and happier.

Eva Gruber – Habit Coach


  • OfficeMax (2011), Workspace Organization Survey.
  • KonMari Media Inc.
  • UCLA, study by Saxbe, D. E., & Repetti, R. (2010), No place like home: Home tours correlate with daily patterns of mood and cortisol. Personality and Social Psychology Bulleting 36(1), 71-81.
  • Kastner, S., & Ungerleider, L. G. (2000), Mechanisms of visual attention in the human cortex. Annual Review of Neuroscience 23, 315-41.
  • Brother International (2010), White paper: The Costs Associated with Disorganization.
  • DePaul University (2016), Cutting through the clutter: Study examines ‘dark side of home’.