Radmila van Os and I met in the vibrant start-up scene 10 years ago.
These days we reconnected, speaking about how negative mind-chatter can become an unwanted inner compass! We discovered how you can go from overwhelm, exhaustion or burnout to Mental Fitness and Good Habits.
> Don’t miss out on this interview! <
Learn more about…
- What led me to shift from a hectic start-up scene to become a grounded coach? Why did I specialize in Habits and Mental Fitness for driven people like you?
- What are Mental Saboteurs? Which ones are common with entrepreneurs and managers? How do they start and grow?
- Why is the Hyper-Achiever in you never happy and content? Do you have a Pleaser in you too?
- How can you go from overwhelm, exhaustion or burnout to Mental Fitness? How can you discover what is not serving you anymore?
- Why is Mental Fitness a lifelong journey? What’s the stake of empathy in it?
- What other leverages can you use to respond more positively in a challenging situation?
- Why shouldn’t we mix up Mental Health and Mental Fitness?
- Why are bad habits so easy to do? What’s happening in your brain when a bad habit kicks in?
- What do people struggle with the most in regards to habits? What are the biggest hurdles for entrepreneurs and managers when it comes to good habits?
- What is a Tiny Habit? What makes it tiny and successful?
Radmila and I also reflected on my first book Creating Impact, an inspiring collection of short stories for leaders and change-makers. Click here to download it!
We also invite you to not miss out on my 7-Days Habit Treat. Get a 20% discount! Why?
Asking for support should feel lifting, and not like a burden!
Go treat yourself well, and reach out to me!
I am here to support you.