
Do you forget to…? Get a habit to fix this.

By December 6, 2021December 28th, 2021No Comments

Do you forget to water your plants?
Do you forget to take your vitamins at the right time?
Do you forget to…?

We tend to forget many things during a day or week! Why? We have many, sometimes “too many hats on”. Our agenda is packed!

Do you still want to get these seemingly easy tasks – like watering your plants or taking your vitamins on time – finally done?

I have a Secret Habit Recipe for you to succeed from today:

What is a weekly routine of yours? For me, it’s going to the farmer’s market on Thursdays! Pick your strong routine! Use it as your anchor to link your new habit to!

Then find your 3 Ingredients of your Habit Recipe! This is my example:

After I put my groceries on the kitchen counter,
I pick the watering can and water my plants,
cheering to myself thereafter that “I did it!”.

What is your New Habit that you would like to start?

Try this Secret Recipe! Let me know how it works!
Email to hi[at]evagruber[dot]org.